Speaker: Rev. Joseph M Cherry


January 27th is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Join us as we ask questions about how our own actions and inactions resist the formation of a society in which genocides and cultural warfares can happen.


The Magi Go Home

As the story goes, the Three Wise Men met the Baby Jesus on January 6, the Day of Epiphany. What happened after?  Why did the scholars from the East visit this baby, and what was an infant supposed to do with frankincense and myrrh? And … read more.

Cocoa, Cookies & Carols at the UU Society

Friends, please join us for a relaxed time of worship, story telling and fellowship this Christmas Eve at 11am.  Rev. Joe will be hosting. It’s a chance to get together during the day, and we will also be offering our traditional (for us!) Semi-Secular Christmas … read more.


Rev. Joe will be addressing the storm that #metoo has raised by talking in part about the work of Jackson Katz and other men who work to elevate the status of women and to help create a culture in which women are treated and valued … read more.

Henry & Waldo

Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson had the kind of friendship that makes both parties rise up to be better people. Come this Sunday to learn more about friendships that enrich our lives.


The Fallacy of Scarcity

This Sunday Rev. Joe will explore the origins and spiritual response to the myth that what we have is never enough.



Every 500 years something big happens in Christendom. The first shift was the movement from outsider to official state religion for Christianity. In 1,000 the Orthodox and Roman churches divided. In 1517 a Catholic monk, Martin Luther, hung 95 improvements on the door of his … read more.

Reclaiming Dignity

It takes courage to make amends for what we’ve done wrong in this world. Last month our Jewish friends and neighbors celebrated Yom Kippur a day to seek and offer forgiveness for transgressions over the past year. A guest from Edwins Restaurant will be with … read more.

Moving the Center

In our second service this year focusing on de-centering whiteness in our world, join Rev. Joe as we explore Dr. Robin Diangelo’s essay “11 Ways White America Avoids Taking Responsibility for its Racism,” and other contemporary thoughts about how we can help to build a … read more.

Claiming a Voice

What can Francis Scott Key, Rod Serling and Cassandra of Greek Legend have in common? These three figures will feature prominently in Sunday’s sermon about the power of speaking against the status quo. If you want to know how you should, join us for service. … read more.